Saturday 31 March 2018

code generation vs config file (app generator)??

I wonder how Dialogflow (or other services) stores their users' config and generate each app for each user config.Does it generate code for each user or does it just save each config and pass it to the central app which has so many conditional checking like if(userOption == "enabled"){}.Which is the most optimized way to automatically create each app for each user? Is it by code generation (generating javascript files for each user which has its own link) or config file (generating app by central app which does many conditional checking for each user config)? I'm trying to build one for my project. Take Dialogflow as the case study if you think the answer is too broad. It'll be great if the factors to choose which way are explained.

Submitted March 31, 2018 at 05:15AM by terry_ds

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