Monday 29 June 2020

Desktop Appication That Starts Local Node Server

Hi! I've recently seen more software packages like the newest version of PgAdmin 4, which opens in the browser instead of a standalone app:'m wondering how these people do this; I'm confused about the whole system that makes this happen. If I wanted to do the same thing a Node application, having built a local offline desktop tool whose interface is made with Node/React, how would I publish a similar tool where the user opens the application like any other apps except it opens a local web server?With my limited knowledge, this is weirdly reminiscent of a Docker container. This is because, while the package is not small, once installed it can run in a vast variety of environments. It's not like PgAdmin 4 requires a specific set of system packages to be installed in the environment (which is what something like "node index.js" would require). And I feel like this is a pretty powerful way to deploy offline bespoke software tools for people like me, whose only experience is on web application development.I'm sorry if this is not entirely related to Node; I'm posting here because, if I were to make such a thing, I would do it with Node since that's mainly all I've used and I'd like to know specific details to make it happen.Thank you!

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 04:43AM by chankeam

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