Saturday 23 November 2019

Unsure how to approach my Node API's architecture for a single page application

Hey everyone.I've written some very basic CRUD SPAs in the past, but it's been a while since I've gotten back in the Node.js land. I committed myself to making something "full-stack" using React, Node, and MySQL for the database. It will still definitely be a CRUD application, but I also want to dive into using some cloud services like Azure for content moderation (just for experience working with another service), as well as implement OAuth OpenID Connect for user authentication. This is stuff I've never tried in my prior CRUD apps.I want to approach this project more seriously than I used to when I was an extreme newbie, so this time around, I'd really like to design my application a bit better.This had led me down some rabbit holes, and I'm not sure if I'm spinning wheels or truly going somewhere. As a specialized front-end dev (and truly only having worked with SPAs), I'm not sure what a good approach is for architecting my Node API.I've found some articles on some patterns, such as the clean architecture, but I'm really not sure if this is something I should be worrying about?I think I am looking for a sense of direction. I have admittedly never thought about API architecture, and I feel like I am really struggling. Any advice or guidance towards the proper resources would be greatly appreciated.TL;DR: As a front-end developer, I know JavaScript, but now want to design an API in Node for my personal project (CRUD app). I want to use a nice architecture for the Node project, but don't know if it's worth spinning my wheels researching best practices.

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 05:39PM by FungoGolf

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