Friday 16 February 2018

Best implementation practices when using Napa.js on an express based application?

I've been doing to research into implementing Napa.js for some API's I'm working on, but I can't figure out how or if I even should zone my I/O or just leave it on the main thread. In napa's introduction documents it states using a "virtual node" worker for I/O, but I can't find any examples of it actually being implemented, or if this is just referring to the piping and marshelling of data between the workers within the zone.I'm curious if anyone else has had a similar experience using it. If I had my choice I would just implement a more concurrent language like Go to do this, but that's currently off the table due to other concerns.

Submitted February 16, 2018 at 03:51PM by TheOfficialGent

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