Thursday 22 February 2018

I'm learning ReactJS, and I'm completely overwhelmed by the state of affairs when it comes to JS Back-end technologies

I have some past experience dabbling in things like codeigniter, laravel, and .net mvc, but I skipped this whole front-end js revolution. I knew a bit of Jquery, but I took up a job in a tangential area that doesn't really have me coding anymore, but it's a passion of mine so I've been doing a ReactJS course.I've finished it actually, and I'm looking to learn about the back-ends that are available. With .net and laravel, you get scaffolding, migrations, an ORM, and you get to define models and have the rest taken care of it. On top of that, they have some nifty capabilities as far as authentication, cookie management, and login stuff is concerned. Forgive me if this is a bit off, but that's what I remember of them anyways.Taking a look at what I can pair with ReactJS, it's waayyyy too overwhelming.There is Express. It seems it would make sense to pair this with an ORM like Bookshelf, or Knex or whatever. But it's still pretty basic.But if you're developing an API, they say to use Strongloop or Loopback.But then if you do more digging, you also find out about GraphQL, so GraphCool, Postgraphile, etc. Honestly this is pretty cool since you can keep a logic close to the database, but it's probably not as flexible as the other options above if I have heavy business logic.I don't imagine the apps that I make will need anything more significant than a basic CRUD api perhaps with some business logic based on my models, and user authentication./r/node what sayeth you to this fragmentation. For someone who wants to create apps quickly, that wants the convenience that .net and laravel, but wants to adapt that to work with the ReactJS framework is there one solid way to learn. Or do I have no choice but to slowly try and use all of these until i find a full-JS stack configuration that I like..And what in the fuck is up with the popularity of MongoDB?? I get it, if you only have one "type" of data it could work. But if you're developing an app where it makes sense to have different tables, wouldn't you want to use a database and framework combo that lets you configure hasmanythroughwhateverthefuck that laravel has?I'm posting this in Node, because a vast majority of JS "back-end" technologies seem to be based on it.

Submitted February 22, 2018 at 09:20PM by tradesinvancouver201

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