Wednesday 21 August 2019

Same JSON response for all requests in express, how would you do it?

So one of my requirements is that ALL responses must be of the following structure.{ success: true/false data: {}/[] } This even has to be done with any errors I send. No problem, expect...I have around 50 endpoints I need to make, so my res.json will be littered withres.json({success: true, data: someDatabaseResponse}); So I will end up adding this to every single route I have...mmhmm okay so I make a class instead.class ServerResponse { constructor(data, success = true) { = data; this.success = success; } } module.exports = ServerResponse; This works expect...well same thing, every res.json will have a new ServerResponse class insteadres.json(new ServerResponse(dataResponse, true)); Maybe using middlewares? Well, then I will have to pass the success and true to the next, true?) Either way I don't really want to be using next() anyways. So I ask you, is there a way in express to make sure all JSON responses have the same properties I want without defining it in every res.json method?

Submitted August 21, 2019 at 07:10PM by HappyZombies

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