Monday, 20 August 2018

Learning to make packaged node apps

Apologies up front that my terminology might be a bit messy here; I'm learning a lot of programming stuff out of order.I am starting a new job where one of the opportunities I'll have is to build a handful of tools to do some automated tasks, like file management or sending control messages to pieces of equipment. It's all stuff I feel pretty confident I could do pretty effectively with node.Ideally, these would be built with a GUI instead of needing CLI commands, and would be packaged for easy installation on different systems. I can build a local server with express and a front end, but I don't have any experience packaging apps together for easy installation / running.I'm familiar with Electron in passing but have no experience. Is that the right direction to go, or are there alternatives that might suit a very lightweight app better? Are there any tutorials that might be recommended for getting started with good design practices?

Submitted August 20, 2018 at 05:36PM by mindonshuffle

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