Friday, 31 August 2018

Caching and ratelimiting made simple. Feedback Welcomed!

Hi, I recently released v0.3.0 of my new package simple-data-loader on npm. It is a simple function wrapper that caches the results in memory as a promise.Its api is heavily inspired from facebook/dataloader but supports very different features.simple-data-loader supports wrapping functions with varying number of arguments, and arguments that are not necessarily primitive values.It is made to be flexible and easy to use. I use it to improve performance and reduce load on external resources (like calls to my database for non realtime sensitive information).Please read the README, and let me know if this is something you would like to use in your projects.All feedback is to npm: simple-data-loaderThanks!

Submitted September 01, 2018 at 02:56AM by davidmdm

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