Friday, 31 August 2018

Hosting a web server on my companies internal network with a VM (Red Hat Linux)

I'm trying to host a web server on a VM running Red hat Linux in a Network Attached Storage unit on my company's network using NodeJS/Express. I've hosted a server with Express before on my own personal computer on my home network, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it in this setting.In the interest of privacy, I'm not going to actually write out the IPs, as I don't know how those could be used I'd rather be safe.I'm listening to port 3000 in Node on the VM, and the NAS is located at "IP1"(10.xx.xx.xx) on our network. As of now, all the server does is return some JSON when the "/" route is requested.After running ifconfig, I see an "inet" IP and a "broadcast" IP, and I've tried navigating to those via port 3000 in my browser and I get nothing.I access the VM for remote access via http://IP1:8080. IP1:3000 doesn't work in my browser either.Do I need to forward the ports within the VM somehow? So that port 80 points at 3000, or something similar? Please feel free to ask questions, as this is something I'm new to (Red Hat Linux and hosting a server on an internal intranet via VM).To clarify, this server is NOT meant to reach out to the Internet, only within my company's network. We have lots of web services running this same way, so I know it can be done, I've just never done it before so I'm a bit lost.EDIT: Spelling

Submitted August 31, 2018 at 03:00PM by PM_ME_A_WEBSITE_IDEA

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