Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Forever doesn't run Forever (node V4) - Any Updates on the best daemon?

Hey All!I wrote a node script I need it to run in a loop for a very long time until it is completed (on OSX 10.11.1)Initially I tried using a cronjob and would have worked except the sockjs (npm module phantom-node dependancy) always said the permissions were wrong :(I've been trying forever but it only seems to work for a few hours then kicks itself off. I remember reading about another 'forever' (or pm2) that was exclusive to the new release of node but I can't find it now.Is there any suggestions on how to get forever to run better? Should I run another daemon to monitor the forever log file? Is there a better system with the new Nodejs?

Submitted November 17, 2015 at 12:40PM by bigorangemachine

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