Saturday, 28 November 2015

Would you help me selecting what to try next? (Vagrant, RAML/Swagger, Babel/Typescript)

I’m going to start a new low-priority project, and I want to try some technologies I’m not using right now.But…well…there’s TONS of new things to try! Yesterday I was hunting info to make a list of what I may like to try, and were overwhelmed by the size of the list I ended with.Could you help me with some doubts about them, and how to assemble the puzzle? First of all, I’m having trouble teaching some of my team members because of the differences in software/hardware between what I use, and what they use. Because they are always having strange situations with they editors, node versions, saying that in their computers the last commit doesn’t work, or that in theirs it did!I’m so sick of this situation.And then I read about Vagrant. Do you recommend me this way to try to solve our problem?Right now I’m working with node on my system, and I don’t understand for sure how to work with vagrant on my server. The code I edit is in a folder of my computer, I test it…and then I commit the changes to our git.How is the workflow with Vagrant? I need to have the code in the vagrant VM, having mounted the server as a folder i my system, and then try it with a terminal from ssh? Or there is a better way? And I’ll lose the commodity to refresh my browser automatically after changes, isn’t it?BTW, I’m working with VSC under Mac, right now. For this API, I want to try RAML or Swagger…but can’t decide between them.The two of them looks great! Swagger have a lot of community projects on GitHub…but RAML have great companies behind (and being younger, it's normal to have less projects, isn't it?)And I want to secure it with JWT: Swagger do no supports JWT right now, isn’t it? And, finally, Babel and/or Typescript. I would like to try the new options of ES2015, and then Babel…...but Typescript looks great, and I really like the the idea of trying before Angular 2 arrives.I feel like having the two of them at the same time will be overkill. And I’m having a hard time deciding between them the one to try first (I don’t know how much time will pass until the next opportunity to try new things) I know this is one hell of a wall of text, but I don’t know where I could ask about it better than here at reddit :) I had bad experiences at other sites, specially StackOverflow, that I’ll just say that aren’t as friendly as reddit.

Submitted November 28, 2015 at 11:49PM by arkdelkaos

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