Monday, 30 November 2015

ES6 Store events differ between browser and server?

I am using the following as a basis for learning the basics: am not using their authentication, and auth is not an issue. The problem I am having is events right now.I am using their BaseStore, and LoginStore (with modifications to remove their jwt items).I've used console.log(this) to compare the LoginStore on the server and in the browser and have found that the server version only contains one event, assigned to it in the constructor, while the browser version says it has two... the one added in the constructor, and the one added to it within the AuthenticatedComponent.jsx file.The only event that fires when CHANGE is emitted is the listener set up in the constructor. I'm assuming that I have two instances of this class, but only one is being called. I've also confirmed that I am only importing the LoginStore once.

Submitted December 01, 2015 at 01:26AM by thrownaway21

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