What exactly is the microservice architecture? It's a bit confusing for me to understand, since the diagrams I've seen show different databases, even though I don't think companies use different databases?1) When you're making a microservice, how is that different from regular API / database logic that you normally would do, say with, PostGreSQL or MongoDB? Is there something special about this API? Am I even wrong in thinking it's a special, optimized API route?2) How does a microservice affect a database? When I'm creating a database, my CRUD routes are tied to it, and so I'm not sure how my decouple my routes even more?In a general sense, how do you build a microservice? I've read articles, but I'd like to see if there are some better, personal explanations by the community.Thanks!
Submitted September 24, 2020 at 05:00AM by ibeeliot
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