Saturday, 26 September 2020

How can I safely sign-in into a SAML 2.0 SSO (Single Sign-On) webpage with NodeJS?

Hi.I am trying to build an API for an online student website. This student website first requires a student to sign-in through a SAML 2.0 SSO webpage. It has a JSESSIONID created when you first go to the page.I have already implemented it with them manually giving their credentials to the API and the NodeJS server uses fetch to make a POST request to the server to log in. However, I feel that storing the student credential in plain-text in a JS variable is not very secure.I was wondering how I am can let others use my API and securely log in to the system (using NodeJS as the server) without them giving their student credentials to the API. I am not too sure how SAML 2.0 works nor SSO (though I've read some information about them) so I am fairly new to this.

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 09:49PM by Strikerzzs

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