Monday, 21 September 2020

Question regarding Node.js. MVC, and a school project

Hello all. So the project for one of my Comp Sci classes is that we have to use MVC (model view controller) to create a web app. My professor would prefer that we use C# or Java to build the project however I asked if using Node with Express.js was fine and he said yes as long as I can convince him that it has "robust" MVC support like the other languages do, Springboot with Java and ASP.Net with C#. I'm pretty sure he just wants me to prove that I'm able to pull off MVC on Node/Express and that I know how I would go about implementing the various components. I would then have to show him that I know how to pull this off and then he'd give me the green light to use Node. The project itself can be whatever I want it to be but my problem is how would I go about convincing him to let me use Node. I would really prefer using Node and JS/TS over C# or Java.Essentially the professor wants to see the following things:Convince him that Node has robust MVC supportHow would you go about using models/views/controllers in Node?​He also mentioned that as long as the criteria of the project are met, he doesn't really care how it's implemented but he would prefer we use C#/Java. The criteria of the project are as follows:SPA - Single Page ApplicationMVC - Model View Controller (on the server-side)ORM - Object-Relational Mapping (with at least 2 tables)Authentication - Log in, log out​I tried searching for an MVC-like framework for Node but I couldn't really find any. Input from an experienced Node developer would be greatly appreciated, however, I'd like to know if MVC would be feasible with Node and how I would go about convincing my professor to let me use it because in the other languages, like C# and Java, they have plenty of MVC support.

Submitted September 22, 2020 at 04:26AM by DeviceOfNeed

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