Wednesday, 23 September 2020

[Question] Letting HR people using my fullstack app

TLDR: Im making a full-stack app (some kind of a very simple CRM system). I want to show to HR people how my app looks like from inside but in the same time people in the company I work at use this app. How to let HR people use my app in a secure and easy way without showing them real data?Full story:I'm building a full-stack app for the small company that I am currently working at. It will be some kind of a very simple CRM.Employees have to manage their sales. This app will help them. It provides CRUD operations with those sales, show statistics and many more nice little features.This app will be really used by the company so it will store sensitive data in the database.I want to show how it works from inside, but I know that HR people won't clone and run the repo, so I need a feature like "LOGIN AS GUEST".Guest can look around whole app, but I can't show them any data inserted by my company.So I have a few ideas (sorted from best one to worst one in my opinion) and I need your advice:Make a completely different deployment for hr people and different one for the companyMake a seperate connection for guest users, they will connect to completely different DB where they can CRUD but they will connect with the same server (same deployment).Don't make guest user feature, just record a short nice video how things look, maybe put it on the landing page with some informations.Allow guests to use the app, connect them to the same database my company use but check in backend if user has role of a guest they cannot CRUD anything or they get their own tables in the database and they can CRUD. I don't feel safe when thinking about this approachI really want to give a good view on that app as I feel it will be a game-changer for my career and maybe I will land my first job as developer.Please let me know what you think, maybe you've got some other ideas?

Submitted September 23, 2020 at 05:05PM by btckernel94

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