Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Is there a "starter kit" for a Node backend?

I want to architect my backend to be easily scaleable, but there's a lot to learn. Is there a set of recommendations by industry leaders? I'm spending weeks learning infra and I feel like there's still so much left. I know this is probably premature optimization. E.g.:- in-memory key-value store: Redis, Memcached, or a plain Node object?- message queues: Redis, RabbitMQ, or Bull?- DB: MySQL, Postgres, or NoSQL? Maybe Cassandra for high-availability/low-consistency stuff? Maybe ElasticSearch if I need fulltext search?- DB cache: something like Facebook's TAO?- server: Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, Amplify/Firebase, or VPS (DigitalOcean)?- file storage: S3 or DigitalOcean spaces?- deploy: Kubernetes + Docker? CircleCI?- compute: haven't gotten there yet- load balancer: haven't gotten there yetIt'll be great if there was a pre-built system that I can just copy.

Submitted September 02, 2020 at 07:31AM by linksku

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