Wednesday, 29 January 2020

How to update /usr/bin/nodejs?

I'm running a wiki on AWS EC2 using the Bitnami installation of MediaWiki. Since the wiki is going to be used by a lot of non-tech-savvy people in the future, I want to install the Visual Editor extension. Now this is all well and good, but the problem is that it relies on Parsoid, and that is where the problems begin.Parsoid refuses to start on my server. Now, I've narrowed this down to an outdated version of Node (v4.2.6 IIRC). So, I tried to use nvm to update it. Nothing. I tried using n. Still nothing. sudo nvm didn't work either. I did some digging and found that parsoid was trying to use the /usr/bin/nodejs path to run off, and running /usr/bin/nodejs --version returns v4.2.6, even though everything else has been updated to 12.14.1. And this is where I reach my wit's end, because no matter what I do I cannot get /usr/bin/nodejs to update. How can I do it?

Submitted January 29, 2020 at 09:58AM by CmdrNorthpaw

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