Monday, 27 January 2020

ExpressJS Blogging System

I've recently finished a blog system in ExpressJS and thought I'd share. It uses Markdown formatting for post content and stores everything in a MongoDB Database.Current features include multiple user support (though they're all set to admins on creation), live markdown editing, publish/private posts and image uploading using express-fileupload.The back-end is a split up into controllers to keep adding features simple. Markdown content is converted on the back-end using ShowdownJS and then sent to the front-end.The front-end uses examples from Bootstrap's website and custom CSS, as well as some Axios scripts to post data to the back-endI'd like to develop this into a full blogging system with support for post comments, analytics, multiple categories and more.Feel free to test it out and leave any feedback/bugs you find :)

Submitted January 27, 2020 at 08:28PM by DMDxv

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