Sunday, 3 March 2019

NoSQL vs SQL for "Room Share" GrapQL App With Node

I'm building a Real estate app using node. The node app itself is just a GraphQL Backend Server for a roomshare/real-estate iOS/Android/Web (React + React-Native app). I was researching what type of database to use for this app, and I found this article: takeaway from that article is, you should use NoSQL unless you require complex, ACID transactions e.g. financial appsBut, it seems like most other people on the internet don't wholeheartedly agree. I'm no database expert, and as far as it goes I'm a noob in this but I do know the consequences of picking the wrong database to power your app.Right now I'm leaning more towards SQL, mainly because that seems to be the general feedback I got from the internet. My questions though are:What are real life use cases for NoSQL over SQLIf scalability & speed is a concern is NoSQL an option?Now that MongoDB supports transactions, what is the advantage of SQL (RDBMS) for most applications?Would a NoSQL database better suit this application?The main one is question number one - "What are real life use cases for NoSQL over SQL". Apart from analytical apps, what other apps would benefit from NoSQL? Mobile Apps? Social Networks? Real Estate Apps?​Apologies if anything here is quite basic ; I'm not that experienced in database design. Also, if this isn't closely related to node.js enough please feel free to suggest an alternative subreddit I could post this in. I couldn't find one myself.

Submitted March 03, 2019 at 08:16PM by jesster2k10

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