Tuesday, 26 March 2019

What top companies you know that use Node.js?

Hey Reddit, I'm looking for popular companies that use Node.js as part of their tech stack, especially ones that switched to it from a different technology and documented it in the process. Do you know any? Would be incredible thankful for some suggestion.I have a list of 27, 16 of which I've described here. Couldn't find enough information for the rest of them.NetflixPayPalTrelloLinkedInYahooMozillaUberGrouponGoDaddyeBayWalmartMediumNASACapital OneCitibankMorgan StanleyMasterCardScotia BankHabiticaGhost (blogging engine)WordPress CalypsoQuizUpYandexImgurDuckDuckGoCourseraUnsplash

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 11:42AM by RST_IT

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