Monday, 21 January 2019

I made an API Rest generator with Yeoman.

About why made this generatorI'm pretty new at NodeJS, I started using it about one month or so, therefore, I'm creating a lot of disposable-projects.I made this generator because I'm pretty lazy, and every time I needed to create an Entity I thought to myself: It would be very helpful if NodeJS had something like JHipster's entity generator (I'm used to Java).So instead of searching for a NodeJS generator, I started studying how JHipster was made. A friend of my told me about Yeoman so I started studying about it, and the result is this two generators: lazy-backend and lazy-backend-entity.Main packagesI'm using Express, mongoose, and joi.LinksMain GeneratorThe main generator is the lazy-backend, is responsible for creating the project.Npm GitHub​Entity GeneratorThe entity generator is responsible for creating the Entity (Entity = Routes, Controller, Model, and a Validator)Npm GitHub ​Plans for the futureAdd documentation/commentary for the generators and the generated project (If you guys could recommend a good and easy to document an API Rest I would be grateful. I've been searching about Swagger and APIDocs but I don't know which one to use)Add Front-end generator. (I've been studying React lately, so when I feel like I can do something reliability good I'll update the generator)If you find something that can be improved please tell me.If you want to contribute just send me a message.

Submitted January 21, 2019 at 08:56PM by UnDer_SeVen

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