Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Next.js CMS?

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to using CMSs and I was wondering how they worked with react. If I was using Next.js to make a static site for a business, how could I let the business edit the content/information on the static site without having to change the react source files? I had a quick look at Strapi and I could use axios to make http requests to the API, and I could see how this would work for something like a blog that has blog posts, but I don't understand how it would work with just editing the content/information on a static site. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 11:28AM by JakeGore


  1. Hi Paul, I saw this by chance. I am the Web Developer at Strapi has a Gatsby plugin which basically lets you follow a Gatsby work-flow but with the convenience of a CMS like interface. Check out this tutorial, and feel free to join our slack group.

  2. I meant to say "Web Developer Advocate" at
