Saturday, 15 April 2017

User authentication for mobile and web application

I am trying to develop a small application for mobile use and for web use. I only want the user to be able to login with facebook.I am wondering how to do this? I am thinking about giving the user a token (jwt) that the user stores somehow and then they will provide this with every request.As of now I have created something where I use passport.js and use the FacebookStrategy so it saves the user in the session. I have looked at passport-facebook-token, but I am having trouble using this.Maybe what I am searching for the most is a good article or tutorial on how to make this basic authentication system since it is my primary problem, because the application in itself is being kept very simple. I just want to learn about node, mongo, express and later on iOS development (on a side note, I study Computer science, but we do not learn about node and such in our courses. I do however develop in Java daily and work as a student programmer, so I learn quickly).I hope that people can provide me with a nice tutorial or article, as I haven't really found something that works yet.

Submitted April 15, 2017 at 06:26PM by lidttilvenstre

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