Saturday, 15 April 2017

Node is confusing and hard, should I switch to PHP?

I'd love some clarification because it feels like I'm lost in the depths with node atm. My goal is to be a fullstack dev with proficiency in some back-end language.I started node about a month ago, prior having a basic understanding of js. I can do some basic things like auth with the help of tutorials, and I don't remember any of it by heart. I also can work mongodb a bit, (pushing things into it and taking data out), but the models/schema concept is still complicated to me. Basically I can make things work with the help of google, but I always feel a little lost with these little things like app.use or app.set.Are we suppose to just copy and paste everything and then google when it breaks? At this point I'm thinking I should try out php because I've heard it's beginner friendly.

Submitted April 15, 2017 at 06:24PM by caseyboyswag

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