Friday, 8 April 2016

Question's about Binary vs Text Websockets (BSON vs JSON)

I am curious if I should use BSON or regular JSON to transfer data across Websockets. I have heard using binary is faster because the websocket frame doesn't have to "convert" the data to a "string" if you will. (Not entirely sure about that). But, if you inspect the websocket frames of a game called treasure arena which uses massive JSON communication between client / server; I feel like going binary is negligible.With that said, what are the pro's and con's of binary vs text websockets? Obviously on binary it's harder to peek at the data (although, Wireshark takes care of that). Just not sure if it's worth it as I havn't seen any benchmarks that have incentivized me to binary.Thanks for reading!

Submitted April 08, 2016 at 09:49AM by BillOReillyYUPokeMe

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