Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Node noob, help with practical use of tty.js?

I'm playing around with a Raspberry Pi 3, using it for a small serial terminal server, with 4 USB to RS232 dongles hanging off, connected to console ports on various pieces of network gear. The Pi3 is great here, since it's got integrated WLAN. So, it's really an OOB console server - connect to its WLAN (created with hostapd) and go.But I didn't come here to bore you with that stuff. I found and started playing with tty.js, and got it working fairly easily, even with TLS 1.2 between my browser and the app. Great so far.So, it's very nice that I can launch a terminal that's effectively an xterm on the Pi. But, I'd rather have some additional buttons that would launch individual console sessions.Ideally, 4 buttons along the top alongside the stock "Open Terminal" button. These buttons should launch a terminal that would execute something like "telnet localhost 7000". Essentially, instead of the web-ified equivalent of xterm, I'd like to have:xterm -e "telnet localhost 7000" So, here comes the noob stuff. In order to accomplish this, where do I start? Should I be looking to simply modify the static HTML bits included with tty.js? Am I barking up the wrong tree with tty.js?Cheers and thanks for at least getting me pointed in the right direction!

Submitted April 27, 2016 at 05:21PM by microseconds

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