HeyI'm building a website using Node and MySQL (or Postgres, still not too late for a migration). The database will essentially have 5 tables: users, groups, children, schools, devices. All of these tables are related (hence the need for RDBMS).I am looking for a way to manage all those tables through a (relatively simple) admin GUI. I looked into express-admin but do not find it too promising. I even looked into switching everything over to Django, but I am not 100% happy with the workflow - just extending the User model seems to be a pain (although it is overall a nice framework). I also don't really want to edit the database directly, would rather have an admin backend that I can later extend and add more functionality to.Is there such a thing, or am I bound to write one myself? Ideally, I would like something that looks like a Django interface - something that would also potentially be able to autoconfigure itself based on the database schema I defined in the application.I am also willing to consider using 3rd party services - looked into Stormpath.com, but it seems to be only for managing users and groups. Any experience with them?Thanks!
Submitted January 04, 2016 at 06:44PM by Deusdies
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