I joined a team were I will be a backend Node.js developer. Unfortunately, my mind is wired all with C++, Java, C#_like languages, and almost no exposure to JavaScript.Now there is a whole code base that I am not even familiar with the syntax, terminology, etc! Like, I don't know why in some files (classes??) I seesearch: function search(req, res) { ... } and in another file I seeSomeService.search = function search(context, someID) { ... } I need some neat explanation on how we write classes, where are private and public members, etc. if there are any of such concepts. And anything else that I cannot think of with the "synchronous" language mindset.I have really tried to do my homework and Googled for tutorials on Node.js, but they assume you are familiar with JavaScript, or they go too deep into installing, npm, Express, etc. I really don't have the time to go through JavaScript now :( The project is running and I'm already in!!I want to learn from the code that we already have. But for that, I need to know the very basics, and the syntax, and to fix my mindset!How to do that??? Any magical guide or something? I really appreciate your help and I know you may hate me because I want to learn it the easy way!tl;dr: Coming from OO with no js background, need to know the very basic concepts of Node programmingEdit: grammar
Submitted January 31, 2016 at 02:48AM by trynodecatch
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