Tuesday, 1 December 2015

is this possible with node js? (noob question)

Ok, I've done a lot of searching a reading online, and am still kind of confused. I essentially have a question that has a yes or no answer. Hopefully someone here can be of some help :d)I have an iPhone app. The app is fully interactive, and uses Parse as its backend. Users can submit content, and then other users can immediately view that content. people can send friend requests, etc. It is all built and ready to be shipped to the App store now.I want to make a website that contains most (not all, most) of the functionality of the app, where users submit data to Parse, and then other users can immediately see the changes. I need this to be a multi page application, not single page. I need custom URLs to be generated based on the custom content. For example, a user clicks on an activity entitled "Activity 1", and then it takes you to http://ift.tt/1Io1Wvt, like is possible with a ruby on rails type application. I need a way to pass data (strings) from one view to the next. Basically, I need a site that is very similar to eventbrite.com in its function.Is that the type of thing that is possible to do with node js and express js ? I read this : http://ift.tt/1JPQPv0 and it makes it seem like it is (but doesn't explicitly say so) but I just need to get some confirmation first. I don't know any javascript (so still need to learn that before even starting node/express) and want to know that what I want to achieve with node/express is possible before I dive in and potentially waste a lot of time.thanks!

Submitted December 02, 2015 at 04:44AM by my_third_throwaway_n

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