Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Transitioning from .NET to Node.JS

Hi all,After spending the past six months trying to soak up all of the amazing knowledge that is continually dropped on this subreddit, I am very happy to be making my first post.I am currently a .NET web developer working with web forms and a proprietary CMS back end. Our set up and workflow is extremely antiquated. Server 2008, messy repositories and SharePoint.Needles to say,things are getting dull and after a year here, I feel it is time for me to consider my next role. For the past six months, I have been really falling in love with the asynch programming of Node.JS. I have a number of my own projects on the go, and always trying to sneak in more JS stuff at work where it makes sense.I am here today to ask you all for support and feedback with a particular dilemma I am faced with. This .NET job has been my first position out of school. I feel that I have made some accomplishments and learned a lot but it is time to move on.Unfortunately with the way things are at my work, if I got a new position next week, I feel that I would leave my team in an unfair spot. My plan is to tell my boss that 6 months from now I will start looking for a new job. During these next six months I am going to do my best to step my game up and make myself a worthwhile candidate for a possible Node.JS or JavaScript position.My current position, anything gets thrown at me. Does not matter if its front or back. Css, DB queries, Task automation with Perl and some new Node.JS additions.My question is, what will job recruiters like to see from me? I have a git repo with some small projects and I have plans to put much more work into it over the next six months.Will I be considered even though I have been working with NET Web Forms, MS SQL, Server 2008 and Proprietary CMS software?What can I do to make myself more of a valued asset?Any recommendations or advice I can get would be extremely helpful as right now I am feeling kind of lost and flustered. The next six months is go time for me, I just want to make sure I am spending it on the right things.Much respect to everyone here and I will definitely be sure to update with any progress or findings I come across.

Submitted December 30, 2015 at 09:05AM by monkeymensch

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