Sunday, 2 August 2020

Trying to install Node and Chocolatey in same drive? Having trouble

Sorry if this sounds naive, I’m new to working with this stuff.I was starting the Node/Express tutorials on MDN, and went to install Node. I have a PC with my Windows 10 OS on an SSD and main storage is HDD. I made sure to change the drive for Node from C: to D:. However, when I check to install “necessary tools”, Chocolatey runs in PowerShell and on the C: drive. I’ve tried researching this and I can’t seem to find an answer or if it’s even possible to change it. Does it even matter if I have them on different drives? If I’m writing code in an IDE and execute it, does it matter if I just keep Node and Chocolatey on the C: drive? Thanks for any tips. I’ve always been unsure if I should put everything on the same drive or if it’s ok to do, like I mentioned, have my IDEs on one drive and other stuff on the C: drive.

Submitted August 03, 2020 at 03:41AM by SpaghettiBones95

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