Monday, 22 June 2020

which one is easier to learn fastify or restify?

Hi, i am migrating from php to a rest framework using nodejs, i have read a lot about the myriad of frameworks available but i concluded i should go with fastify or restify, my main concern is which one is easier to learn, i am no interested in blazingly fast or anything like that, i am sure i can spare a few miliseconds, my company is not even close to fortune 500. Also i don't want to code 60% or more from scratch so express is not an option.I ask for your advise which one should i use, for example i know there is fastify-cli to bootstrap the application, there is not something similar for restify, in the other hand restify looks good enough and has pleny of plugins, i need to connect to remote apis and the included http client looks promising, in fastify most people recommend axios (a third party plugin), so in the end i am not very confident i wil take the best choice for my devel team. Kind regards.

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 12:22AM by miguelmirandag

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