Saturday, 2 May 2020

What are technical issues that disfavor Node fro MySQL when compared with PHP for an SPA scenario?

I am rewriting my website from a classic LAMP dynamic MVC website to a new SPA but the catch is that I have to use the existing MySQL database - it would be too complicated to convert everything to MongoDB and personally it's too complex for a NoSQL database - the relationships between tables are quite crazy, and honestly, nosql is not the best fit for this project.The website is a classic app where people can change things and interact with others.Downloads or processing of things is not done via the app but delegated to other programs on the server - so I would say it's not a process or CPU intensive website.But it reads and writes into the DB quite a lot and often. Basically each request consists of multiple things like checking the state of this and that and returning and updating parts on the web page.So, caching is not an option. Things change all the time.So, the question of the day is, should I stick with PHP or go with Node when porting the MVC to basically React + API backend - but not with the usual Mongo but MySQL for db.Anybody with real world experience? How is Node dealing with mysql? Is the RAM usage for mysql higher than with Mongo when plugged in with Node? Are you using plain Node or Node with Express? Or something else?Or you have sticked with PHP with Apache/Nginx even if you use React or Vue when using mysql?

Submitted May 02, 2020 at 01:06PM by gustavo49

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