Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Advice for a total beginner?

Apologies if this isn't the right place for this sort of question, I'm feeling kind of lost here so please redirect me if necessary! I started working on a music visualization project during quarantine and stumbled across this awesome library on GitHub. I don't really have a ton of coding experience, but I've been messing around with the sample code and I've made a few neat looking visualizations that I'd like to be able to share with my friends. My problem is that without any past experience, I don't really understand how the code works well enough to know what I would need to do to be able to share my work.Right now, I run the code using the "Running Locally" instructions on the ReadMe. What would it take for me to be able to upload this code somewhere that I'd be able to see the visual output without the code running on my laptop? Are there any tutorials or online courses I can take that would give me the knowledge I need to accomplish this? How long would it take me to get to a point where I'm able to share this? I've spent the past few days trying to look into this by myself but I'm feeling overwhelmed by how much I don't know. Any advice or suggestions you have for me are very much appreciated! My ultimate goal is to be able to navigate to some sort of website that plays the visualizer. I'd also really like to be able to save the screen output to a video file format so I can send it to friends for feedback while I figure out how to share it publicly.

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 02:25AM by hannahofthenorth

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