Hi, thanks for paying attention to this post. I am trying to learn back end on my own. I've got into front end before, so I learned basic html, css, javascript. Then I decided to pursue a career in back end. I had to choose a language and decided not to waste time learning new syntax and rules and choose node.js since I already had knowledge of javascript and heard that it is quite a good choice. The thing is that lots of people who start learning node.js come from different back end languages and things make sense to them because of their previous experience. I fear that I'm not good enough to start learning this technology. Currently, I'm taking Learn and Understand NodeJS by Anthony Alicea and yeah most of the material is comprehensive, but I have this disbelief that I am not going anywhere with this. Maybe the reason for that is that before getting into nodejs I had never learned asynchronous javascript, es6, callbacks and such other concepts. Overall, the question is how to become a nodejs developer, what's the actual path of learning things on my own so that I'll be able to digest the next material without getting overwhelmed and having fears of not having enough knowledge. And how much javascript will suffice for nodejs, how should I solidify my javascript? I'm thinking of taking Understanding the weird parts by Anthony Alicea course for javascript too. I'm sorry for this poorly formatted post but any feedback, opinion, advice would be greatly appreciated.
Submitted April 22, 2019 at 07:38PM by R2UR
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