Friday, 16 November 2018

Node 11 on Windows 10 - installation woes

TL;DR: do I really need to install ALL that extra stuff to use node 11 on Windows? It installs a TON of stuff after the main installation (not sure how much because the installation is ongoing) and it doesn't look good.______I've been using node 11 on Ubuntu 18 since release (node 10 before that) and now that I'm moving my whole development environment to Windows (mainly because of Unity) I'm already stuck at this installation.I remember using node 10 on Win10 a while ago and it installed without issues, but the installer for node 11 asked me if I wanted to allow Choco and Boxtarter (????) to install necessary tools. I allowed it to install whatever it's needed, and I know Choco is okay-ish.​So after the node setup a prompt window opened, installed Choco, then it opened a powershell window and started installing stuff. A few MSVC++ tools later, it started installing more things. And more. And more. And now it's stuck installing visualstudio2017-workload-vctools and I'm considering trying to use Unity on Ubuntu instead, because I really don't want my node environment tainted; it seems like trying to use node11 on windows is more trouble than it's worth.​Why the extra steps anyway? I know I can get by using node 10 for a long time since it's LTS, but I've been using it flawlessly on Ubuntu for some time now. Would like to keep the same set of tools.

Submitted November 16, 2018 at 09:53AM by mikevaleriano


  1. Any hint on how long you were stuck at that install step? I want to go work from home for the rest of the day but this same sticking point is ongoing for me, too.

  2. I killed the task. So far, seems to have had no ill effects, npm update from terminal behaved as expected.

  3. same problem, should i close the powershell window?
