Sunday, 21 October 2018

Developing a service with an RDBMS

I'm trying to find some advice/suggestions/best practices/etc on developing a Node service that depends on an RDBMS (specifically Postgres), in order to allow efficient development, quicker feedback loops, and easier ways to get started on a new machine - including an absolutely clean CI system. (Each build is in an empty container, and can run multiple concurrently so no shared dependencies)What I don't want is for developers to need to run and manage the database software themselves. That's a waste of time and energy.Additionally I want some way that automated tests that need a real database - basically the full stack tests and the DAO level tests - can be run easily by both developers and CI with the minimal of setup.Basically I'm wanting some way to run the software for development and automated test purposes such the the database is started and schema is bootstrapped automatically, and then all shut down afterwards.I assume such a thing is possible, but I'm struggling to see how. (Even a brief look at Docker seems to show that a lot of the modules haven't been updated in ages - things like grunt-dock or grunt-docker-spawn...)Cheers

Submitted October 21, 2018 at 11:18AM by sazzer

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