Hi guys, I'm building a social network right (express, mongoDB, ejs) now which is getting close to reaching a prototype/mvp state, but I have never really deployed something on my own, so I'm interested in recommendeations for ressources and the basic how-to's and best practices.Questions that need to be answered (without having done any research yet):how to connect a URL to my project?how to get encryption through https?are there any other security actions should be done?recommendations on how/where store the databasehow is the process on updating the backend codewhat needs to be known about scaling (already read a bit about clustering with pm2)how does e-mailing work(I know basicly nothing about this topic)everything necessery/good to know regarding this topicSide notes: I am planning to deploy on digitalocean (already deployed a little project on heroku but it seems pretty expensive for a bigger project). Also, I think I can get about 10k-30k users during first year, which will also be somewhat of the maximum users overall.Some of these are probably pretty dummy questions, but I would be extremely happy to see your recommendations for resources.
Submitted September 04, 2018 at 11:05AM by kifkev91
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