I'm a fucking noob. So, I recently finished Brad Traversy's "Node Dev to Deployment". What I built sorta works but it's got major issues. I'm hoping some good samaritan can clone this code, run it, identify my fuckups, and advise me on how to fix them.In the navbar partial, I'm unable to conditionally display the "Login/Register" and "Logout" links depending on whether the user is logged in or not. It seems I may not be able to successfully extract the user object and pass it to the template. I don't know.In controllers/ideas.js, I'm protecting the routes with the "checkIfAuthenticated" function, but for some reason, this results in login loops, causing redirects to the login page even after seemingly successful logins. I don't get it.Not sure if the delete route for an idea is properly configured to allow only the creator of that Idea to delete it.There are probably other issues, but the above were the major ones I identified and couldn't fix. HELP!!!
Submitted September 23, 2018 at 03:10AM by ncubez
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