Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Has anyone taken Wes Bos's Node course? What did you think?

It looks pretty cool. There's a few things I'm trying to get good at: ES6/7, React and Node.I'm trying to figure out what to spend my money on and Wes's courses are currently on sale. I took some Node courses at Udemy and really liked it until I got into some crappy areas described as "callback hell". It's mostly evaporated from my brain at this point because it kind of turned into a clusterfuck, imo, and I think that was mostly because of the callbacks. Wes's course shows ES2017 Async + Await instead and that sounds great if people actually use it out in the field.So, I can get a couple courses for $69 each right now... or I can just get Tyler McGinnis's course subscription for a single year and have access to his 5 React courses and 1 Modern Javascript course. No probably this group doesn't lean to hard in that direction. :) However, if you've taken Wes's Node course and thought it was great or a waste of time, please let me know.

Submitted March 07, 2018 at 03:06PM by NoMuddyFeet

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