Saturday, 3 February 2018

I built a library to help you easily generate module mocks from JSON

I'm working on the mobile app team right now at work and it's becoming clear that one of the SDKs we require at work won't make a major version upgrade before we need to start doing app development, so we had talked about trading Flow interfaces back and forth with the other team. Even though we'd be able to go ahead and develop against the interfaces in the interim, I realized that this was going to make my life extremely tedious as I manually implemented Flow interfaces over and over to just return data from faker.I found mocker, which is an awesome utility, and made a wrapper around it that speaks a fairly convenient JSON dialect. It reads your JSON so you can require a JSON-described module and start using it with no code needing to be written; it supports Faker; and it outputs Flow library definition files so you can get type checking as well.So here it is: you uncover a bug or need a feature added (even just to clarify docs) just open a ticket!

Submitted February 03, 2018 at 06:29AM by drapkinedward

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