Monday, 13 November 2017

What's the best way to learn node online WITH a mentor/tutor/community to whom you can constantly ask questions?

Hi guys, I want to learn node. I'm embarking on my programming journey and just got some basics from finishing Harvard's CS50 with C, Python, Javascript.It's an online course where there was no mentor/tutor that I could constantly bombard questions to (however silly ones). So, it took quite a long time to finish.A mentor/tutor would allow me to spot problems/explain what I don't understand in a much more time-efficient manner.The reason I find it important is because I have a full time job, where I travel between countries and can't commit to a face-to-face course, because I simply won't be there half of the time.I'm based in Europe, so some courses that offer online support/video sessions don't work very well with timezones, because if they're done in the evening, it's night time over here.A paid solution is completely fine, as long as it's not astronomical... Would be really grateful for your suggestions, thanks!P.S. Currently reading Eloquent Javascript, and doing some codeacademy courses.

Submitted November 13, 2017 at 10:05PM by rokasj

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