Monday, 6 November 2017

node.js service monitoring via email (running Raspbian)

Hi all,Let me start off by saying I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination. With that said, I do have a fully functional node.js service running in the background for home automation stuff.What I didn't realize is that if there are ERRORS, etc...It is basically impossible for me to know what's going on behind the scenes. After some research, I've learned about PM2, log4js, etc....I am just not sure how to implement these services. For example, how do I set it up to monitor a service on a specific port (if I have multiple services running on different ports?) I'm also not sure how exactly to program the js file to get it to look for only errors and then email me.I am not sure about services like Keymetrics...Doesn't this potentially compromise security as you now have a link outside your intranet that can be accessed by others? I saw at least one guide on how to link PM2 to Keymetrics...but I am not sure if that is what most people use? It looks pretty elaborate and I am only looking for ERROR notifications...I also already use systemd services to keep the node.js service running on re-boot, I wouldn't need those options through PM2...I apologize if I am saying some of this wrong, as I said, I am not a programmer, so I may not be articulating this perfectly...If someone could offer some back and forth assistance via PM that would also be super helpful..Thanks..

Submitted November 07, 2017 at 03:24AM by Alps11

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