Sunday, 3 September 2017

Help With Node Project

Hello,I have a noob question regarding how to approach this project of mine.Objective:I'm creating an application that will go out and scrap any subreddit for the 'hot' 25 posts, and then post them to twitter. The app will grab the title, img url (it should shorten it), and also a link to the original post inside the tweet. I need to figure how to format this so that it will fit nicely inside of twitters 140 character limit.Tools:So here's where I need help. I thought I would need something like X-ray to get the desired data, format it, and then pass it along to the twitter bot. But since I am still new to programming, I may be approaching this all wrong. Reddit has an API, and I also discovered this: the data I want is organised nicely on that page. The question is, how do I access it? I've seen node-fetch, axios, and even a api wrapper called snoowrap. I don't think I need to use the API since I am not making a reddit bot.This is one of my first projects that I am trying to tackle. Any advice on how I can approach this and what tools I should be using would be greatly appreciated!

Submitted September 03, 2017 at 04:42PM by Zombayz

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