Thursday, 10 August 2017

Gathering opinions on full-featured frameworks (Feathers, Loopback, Nodal, Adonis, etc.)

I'm curious to hear opinions from those who have evaluated more full-featured frameworks such as Feathers, Nodal, Adonis, Loopback that provide more "out of the box". (The only thing I've heard consistently is to avoid Sails, and Trails seems to have not really taken off that much.)At work we build things with Koa, Sequelize, Passport, etc. and stitch everything together ourselves, which has worked great. For side projects, though, it'd be nice to have something closer to Django or Rails that gives you more stuff out of the box without having to wire it all up every time.Any opinions from those that have used one of these frameworks?

Submitted August 10, 2017 at 04:25PM by djslakor

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