Friday, 11 August 2017

Back end templating engine or front end framework?

Hi all,I recently started learning node. I've become quite confused about which technologies I should/can use to do what, as Webdev seems to include thousands of unique technologies that all do different things..!I started learning Node & Express which led me down the path of template engines. I love the idea of template engines, as most of my website will inherit/extend functionality from a core layout. I also wanted to design parts of my website programatically/dynamically, where some elements will be rendered according to data on the server (featured items being displayed on the frontpage!)*. I'm trying to learn how to do that stuff with templating engines currently.Jade's pseudo-english-language syntax seems a little weird to write websites in, however. I've taken a brief look into EJS and Handlebars.I was always going to learn either Angular or React, but recent trips around the internet have gotten me confused as to whether I even need a templating engine. Do Angular/React allow me to extend a base layout html and do they let me render elements according to data on the server (whether in a database or otherwise).*I have a lot of OO pogramming experience in Java and C++ so if there's a framework that lets me have a collection of objects and display an identical html block with text/links/images adjusted for each object then that'd be grand.

Submitted August 11, 2017 at 04:56PM by MightyLemur

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