Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Node.js rapid upskill

I am an experienced ASP.NET developer. Currently I am working on an inherited and very poorly designed and implemented .NET MVC site that needs to be rebuilt, especially the back-end.Our senior solution architects are pushing heavily for using node.js to create RESTful api microservices for the back-end while initially leaving the front-end largely untouched. The idea is to gradually move towards something resembling the MEAN stack, but there is still a lot of analysis that needs to be completed to determine the most appropriate solution design.Now, conceptually I have no issue with using something like node.js. I've been interested in it for a while and completed some beginner tutorials online, but that the only experience I have.I know it depends on a myriad of different factors like the complexity of the app and the individual developers level of overall competence, but what is the feasibility of going "YOLO: I'll figure it out as I go along and I'll be able to deliver an initial (if not yet necessarily complete) product within a month or two". I'll be going at this completely solo.

Submitted July 18, 2017 at 04:27PM by carelnel

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