Wednesday, 3 May 2017

New to node.js trying to figure out what packages to use

I'm just getting started with node.js and want to do a project with a raspberry pi.The project is, the pi will be connected to several arduinos which are connected to sensors. Each arduinos will be polling their sensor quickly and then will respond over i2c to the pi when certain conditions are met with the sensor.I'm planning to run a back-end server on the pi that is working the i2c comms with the arduinos and will work as a two way link between the arduinos and other device connecting to the server.Finally there will be a front-end that will work as the client interface. Displaying data from the sensor but also providing interaction with the arduinos to make some small changes. So I need to be able to display data from the arduinos but also have some simple forms the user can fill out and buttons to press.The back-end server will have a generic interface that could accept connections from other front-end applications.So for the back-end server I'm pretty sure it'll be node.js,, and the i2c-bus package. I think this is enough to act as that interface between outside devices and the arduinos.For the front-end I'm a little less clear, kind of getting lost in all the packages that are available. As I said, I only need a website interface that displays data and has some simple forms and buttons and a database to save data between sessions.The research I've done has me looking at aurelia, is that overkill for what I'm trying to do? Other options sound like ember and polymer 2. And then mongodb for the database?

Submitted May 04, 2017 at 02:01AM by howflyquad

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