Monday, 22 May 2017

Is there a user and organizational handling platform like Github but open scource?

I have been writing a new nodejs, expressjs, handlebarsjs platform and require a user interface similar to the user and organizational interface used on the GitHub service. Is there an example crud service (express) that can be download to save the hundreds of hours required to develop this.The closest so far, and what Heavy-lifting is based on is: Megaboilerplate it is limited in the functionality and requires a lot of further development from a permissions basis.If not, then please see my work in progress, and feel free to help out in its development.(CRUD: Create Read Update Delete) Specifications: User CRUD with WordPress level permissions. Organizational CRUD with owner, member level permissions. Integrated paypal and credit card payments (to copy GitHub).See the GitHub Site : Heavy-lifting RepoOr the Demo : a million!

Submitted May 23, 2017 at 05:40AM by jdav89

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